Eftpos Roll - Thermal - 80mm x 80mm (Box)
  Shop our high-quality thermal EFTPOS roll with sensitive thermal coating delivering clean and legible prints. Ideal for high volume printers and approved by all leading printer manufacturers. These rolls are suitable for EFTPOS terminals, POS printers, cash registers. Details: Roll size: 80mm x...
Eftpos Roll - Thermal - 57mm x 45mm (box)
Shop our high-quality thermal EFTPOS roll with sensitive thermal coating delivering clean and legible prints. Ideal for high volume printers and approved by all leading printer manufacturers. These rolls are suitable for EFTPOS terminals, POS printers, cash registers. Details: Roll size: 57mm x 45mm Roll color:...
Eftpos Roll - Thermal - 57mm x 37mm (box)
Shop our high-quality Thermal EFTPOS roll with sensitive thermal coating delivering clean and legible prints. Ideal for high volume printers and approved by all leading printer manufacturers. These rolls are suitable for EFTPOS terminals, POS printers, cash registers. Details: Roll size: 57mm x 37mm Roll color:...
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