Invoice Sleeve - Red - 125mm x 175mm (box)
Shop our high-quality invoice or document sticker envelope for sending satchels, boxes or pallets. These invoice sleeves are very lightweight & will make it easier for your customers to find their invoices.  Details:  Dispatch envelope Aggressive adhesive ensures instant quick...
Invoice Sleeve - White - 115mm x 150mm (box)
Shop our high-quality invoice or document sticker envelope for sending satchels, boxes or pallets. These invoice sleeves are very lightweight & will make it easier for your customers to find their invoices.  Details:  Despatch envelope Aggressive adhesive ensures instant quick...
Invoice Sleeve - Transparent - 115mm x 150mm (box)
Shop our high-quality invoice or document sticker envelope for sending satchels, boxes or pallets. These invoice sleeves are very lightweight & will make it easier for your customers to find their invoices.  Details:  Dispatch envelope Aggressive adhesive ensures instant quick...
Invoice Sleeve - A5 Document Enclosed Pouch 230mm x 175mm Sticky
Shop our high-quality invoice or document sticker envelope for sending satchels, boxes or pallets. These invoice sleeves are very lightweight & will make it easier for your customers to find their invoices.  Details:  Dispatch envelope Aggressive adhesive ensures instant quick...
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